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What’s Your Networking Superpower? Take the Quiz and Find Out!

At Send Realty, we know that networking is key to success in the referral business. But not everyone networks the same way—some people are social butterflies, while others are behind-the-scenes masterminds. So, what’s your networking superpower? Take our fun quiz to discover your strengths and learn how to use them to build a thriving referral business!

1. How do you typically follow up after meeting someone new?

  • A) I send a quick, friendly email or text to stay connected.

  • B) I make sure to add them on social media and like a few of their posts.

  • C) I invite them to a coffee or lunch meeting to dive deeper into our connection.

  • D) I connect them with someone in my network that I think could help them.

2. At networking events, what’s your style?

  • A) I focus on building one or two meaningful connections rather than meeting everyone.

  • B) I love mingling with as many people as possible.

  • C) I tend to take a backseat and observe, waiting for the right moment to introduce myself.

  • D) I’m the connector, always introducing people who I know will click.

3. What’s your go-to way to add value to your network?

  • A) I share insightful articles, tips, or market updates that people find useful.

  • B) I help others by connecting them with the right people.

  • C) I’m known for sending personalized, thoughtful recommendations or tips.

  • D) I’m the go-to person for advice on all things real estate.

4. How do you keep track of your relationships and contacts?

  • A) I rely on a CRM or an organized contact list.

  • B) I’m always interacting with my network on social media, so we stay connected that way.

  • C) I keep a mental note of people I’ve met and make sure to check in periodically.

  • D) I have a list of key people and make sure to find ways to connect them with others.

5. If a client or colleague needs help with something outside your expertise, how do you respond?

  • A) I research the best solution and share my findings with them.

  • B) I connect them with someone in my network who can help them out.

  • C) I schedule a time to discuss their needs in detail and figure out the best plan.

  • D) I offer to introduce them to someone I know who can get the job done.


Mostly A's: The Knowledge Sharer

Your superpower is your wealth of knowledge. You love sharing tips, articles, and market insights with your network, and people see you as a valuable resource. As a referral agent, your ability to keep people informed will keep you top-of-mind when they need real estate help. Your expertise makes you a trusted source for agent referrals.

Mostly B's: The Social Butterfly

Your superpower is your ability to connect with everyone! You thrive in social settings, and people naturally gravitate toward you. Your extensive network is your greatest asset as a referral agent. Whether online or in person, you’re always making new connections and strengthening relationships, making it easy to generate referrals.

Mostly C's: The Deep Connector

Your superpower is your ability to create meaningful, one-on-one relationships. You take the time to understand people and their needs, which makes your referrals incredibly personalized. As a referral agent, clients will appreciate your thoughtful approach and trust you to make agent matches that truly fit their situation.

Mostly D's: The Master Connector

Your superpower is connecting people. You’re always introducing friends, colleagues, and clients to others in your network. People know that when they come to you, you’ll have the perfect connection for them. As a referral agent, this makes you the ultimate matchmaker, always finding the right agents to meet your clients' needs.

Now that you know your networking superpower, it’s time to use it!

At Send Realty, we believe in leveraging your strengths to build a successful referral business. Whether you’re the social butterfly or the deep connector, your networking superpower is a valuable tool in your real estate journey.

Ready to put your superpower to work? Join Send Realty today and let’s help you turn your networking skills into a thriving referral business!


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